Cropton Forest Map and Report

Thanks to Andy & Corinne Parsons for planning an excellent course, Tim Evans for an excellent map and everyone who helped.

Results including split times here.

Here is the map so that you can follow the riders’ routes – and/or see what you missed

Cropton Final map

Planner’s report:

Corinne and I had a really good day in the forest on Friday riding round in glorious sunshine getting the controls set up. I’m sure all the riders agree we could not have wanted a better day for the event.

It was quite surprising how much the tracks had dried up over the last few days. So much so that both the soft track around the far north east of the map overlooking Newtondale escarpment and the bridleway down to 55 at Cawthorne beck became unexpectedly enjoyable rides.

With the tracks having dried out I was anticipating that the fastest riders may have been just about able to clear the course in the allocated 3 hours. However the highest score was Mark Rowley’s 483 so gladly it was about right.

It was good to hear so many comments from riders on their return saying how they had really enjoyed their rides. There were a couple of people that struggled to find control 37 on the footbridge but those that did confirmed it was in the correct place.
It was a shame we only had 43 riders. Thanks to everyone for coming, and especially thanks to all the helpers. Thanks also to the Keldy Cabins site management for letting us use the cafe and their facilities.
Andy Parsons

11 thoughts on “Cropton Forest Map and Report

  1. phil upton

    Yep, a big thank you to Andy, Corinne and all helpers, the weather certainly caught me out – proper summers day and the trails were excellent making for a great days riding. keep up the good work NYMBO Organisers, your efforts are greatly appreciated

  2. simon coiley

    Another bid thank you to Andy, Corinne and all for an excellent event. Cannot believe I was putting on sun cream before riding instead of a waterproof! so thanks for sorting the weather too and making the really enjoyable riding even better!

  3. cdoddsie

    A huge thank you for organising such a fantastic event – your efforts really are appreciated. I fear support for this brilliant sport is dwindling, based on a perceived decline in competitor numbers and a reduced number of events nationally, but NYMBO really are working hard to keep things going in this region with a strong cycling reputation. Let’s make sure all these events are well supported and encourage others to give MBO a try.

      1. reg0805

        Yes, more riders would be one solution.
        As a helper and receiving free rides I’d be prepared to pay if it was for the general good. Maybe a subsidised rate (£5?) but 8 or 9 helpers out of 50 riders is a significant loss in revenue. And if the numbers increase maybe a low fee for helpers could provide a slight reduction in other entry fees? Lower fees might encourage more riders? Chicken/egg?

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